Monday, May 27, 2013

Constructing The House Part 5

Sorry for the long wait on an update but yes we have been making progress on the house.  We finished all of the Tongue and groove, and the insulated panels and have the roof dried in with plastic (I am waiting to here back from a roofer for the tin roof they are all backed up because of our wet wet spring)

Framing in the walls is lots of fun.  I found a great deal on windows so we kind of went window crazy... we look at a wall and look at the stack of windows and say let put that one here and this one there does that look good?  Sure!  Ok frame away!

Here we are taking measurements for a big window above the kitchen.
OH NO!  Here comes the building inspector on his steed, everyone start acting like you know what you are doing!

Kelsey how many times do I have to tell you this just won't work.  You cannot build a house with wooden pegs, it just wont work...I am going to have to write you up in violation of Code c3b52 and that puts you on the red Hot Chili Pepper Bad List.

Whew he barely let us off the hook that time.  Quick lets get this thing covered  with OSB quick before we get another inspection!

In the mean time the cows are thinking "Kelsey is late for moving us again, we are going to need to have a serious talk with him when he comes back".

Well we got all of the walls framed and the plywood on the bottom level now all that is left is the upstairs.

A view of the Dining/ Living room with Large French Doors and windows.

Here in the back will be the master Bedroom and Fletchers room.

The Kitchen.  As you see we have lots of windows.  Ashley is a little worried I went overboard and we will have no shelves or cabinets.  I just couldn't help myself.

That window goes there.  We will need to eat our wheaties before we lift that one into place.

The upstairs is going to be great.  Enough room for all kinds of things... bedrooms, playroom, craft room, Office, school supplies, and more.
Danny was worried that the birds were getting jealous so he brought out a house for them too... And now for what you all really wanted to see.  
Fletcher loves all things water; puddles, faucets, buckets, tubs, rain, springs, rivers, get the point.
See I told you.
He also like helping Papa work with the animals.  When ever he sees a cow he yells COW COW MMMMM and whenever he sees a sheep he yells BAAA  BAAAA BAAAA!